Monday, December 26, 2011

living on the bright side

it's time to rid my life of negativity and fill it with positive thinking, uplifting people, and encouragement.
away with any comparison that isn't me to Christ.
out with doubts and crippling insecurities.
i will walk with confidence and strength.
let grace flow in and hope soar out.
the dreamer lifestyle will never be so in style.
giving will never cease.
beauty will be a way of life.
compassion will propel me and joy will be the song of my heart.
there will be no fear of making mistakes, but a glorious freedom.
the world will not define the free spirits.
creativity will be embraced as well as laughter and spontaneity.
and i will always find myself in Him.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

while im waiting

Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near. James 5:7-8

so encouraged by these verses this morning. He will bring the rain, He will bring the harvest. He will uplift and sustain me. I will be with Him soon, so I can give Him my all now, so that when I meet Him on that Glorious Day, I will have nothing left. I will tell Him that I gave every last ounce of strength, of time, of money and effort until I had nothing more to give. I will tell Him that as i waited, I ran until my knees gave and then i picked back up and kept on running. as i waited, i praised until my voice gave out and then i kept on singing. I surrendered all i had, knowing it wasn't mine to begin with. i trusted Him with everything and kept nothing as my own, for i am nothing without Him. as i waited, i planted the seeds, i watched for rain, i sowed the crops until the last second He called me home.

and He was worth every thing.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


she panted for water. the lack of moisture her body took it's slow toll on the girl, taking away her vitality first, then her energy, and then her hope for replenishing. she had no friend to offer her water, no person by her side to give her a respite. all had left. all were giving their water to others, too preoccupied to hear her pleas. desperate, she searched from place to place, looking for liquid to break the drought. all other drinks were refreshing for an instant and then, from sips to gulps, left her even more thirsty. her body too tired to cary on and her throat too desiccated to cry out, the shadow of a girl slowed to a crawl. her despair overtook her, dry sobs wracked her body. through the exhaustion, she lifted her head up one last time, past the point of worrying who came, just wanting some relief. she strained her eyes, desperate to believe there was still someone who could help, who could revive her.

she remembered a day when she had her fill of water. she could remember what it felt like to drink, to have her full, and to have that source carry her through the day. she longed for that feeling again, she lifted silent pleas-begging for someone to break through the haze with relief, and managed one word, "please." in that moment, she saw a figure. for the first time since the drought, she had hope it could break. the figure walked to her, with assurance and ease, as though he was already waiting, already planning on being there. her chapped lips tried to form words, but none could make it past her dry throat. she was too weak to speak, yet she managed to lift her arms. she pushed herself clumsily to her feet, stumbled, and then began to run towards the figure. a run could not get her there fast enough, the ghost of a girl sprinted towards the man with the last of her energy.

with nothing left in her, she collapsed blindly into his arms. the embrace was comforting, familiar and steady. she was lifted off her feet and carried to a place of rest. he reached to his side and pulled up a cup of water, pouring it into the drained girl's mouth. her eyes sprang open, her heart beat a little less faint. the girls thoughts started to arrange themselves and she drank deeply. she could not remember a time when water was so sweet. her body was replenished, and all she could do was weep with joy and gratitude. she looked at the man who had carried her from the desert. "how did you know i was there? why did you save me? who sent you?" the questions sprang from her ceaselessly.

smiling, he took her hand. "i was always there, my beloved. all you had to do was look to me. i will never leave, i always have more. all you need to do is ask." with that, her heart was full. the joy welled up inside her and her laughter could not be contained. she thanked him with everything she had, and felt something hit her hand. she looked down in surprise, then turned her eyes towards the heavens. raindrop after raindrop came tumbling down to the earth, bringing life and restoration to the desert. the girl got to her feet, pulled the man up with her, and danced her heart's smile with him in the pouring rain. and she was not left wanting.

John 4:1-14
Matthew 7:8
Psalm 30:11-12

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, His body, and since we have a Great Priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure Water. Let us hold unswervingly to the Hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.

So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.
You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised, For,
"In just a little while,
He who is coming will come and will not delay"
"But my righteous ones will live by faith.
And I take no pleasure in the ones who shrinks back."
But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved.
Hebrews 10: 19-23, 35-39

unswerving hope. confidence. faith. patience to wait for His completion of promises.
this went straight past all the walls i have built up and right to my heart. He knows. He understands that i want answers, that i want action. my Lord sees my whole heart, He sees the desires there. He knows how much i miss people, how hard it is to sacrifice, He is aware that i am impatient and lack confidence at times. and He understands how much i needed this today.

i don't always understand why i was supposed let go of someone i miss daily, but He is faithful. i don't know why doctors keep on giving frustrating dead ends, but He is faithful. i have no clue what i'm doing with the rest of my life, but He is faithful. i don't understand what my purpose is at rudder some days,where i fit in that ministry, who im called to love and why i dont seem to have it right, but my Savior is faithful. my full assurance is in my God, my confidence is in Him. He will be faithful.

so i wont shrink back. i wont be watered down and walked over. i wont be talked down and have my passion calmed. i wont stop taking risks and walking out on that ledge. because i trust His grace to cover me, His greatness to pull through, and His love to carry me.

my God is faithful, He will come through in ways greater than i can imagine.

Monday, September 26, 2011

actions speak louder

do i pray with confidence, approaching the throne knowing my King is victorious?
do i live without fear, knowing that satan will be vanquished and nothing can hold Him down?
do i serve with selflessness, knowing that everything for the least of these is for my Redeemer?
do i love without restraint, knowing i am compelled by His love?
do i speak with boldness, knowing that i have the Truth on my side?

do i seek without distraction, knowing only One thing matters in this world?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

the potential of nothing

Hannah, a name meaning grace. the first girl in Rudder High's C lunch that i sat with. she's the one in the corner, the amazing artist who seems quiet at first but has the best things to say. the one who is so non-judgemental it's insane. she's that girl who most people put into a stereotype that she breaks by being open and sweet. Hannah, the girl brave enough to move from kentucky and start her senior year in a new state, a new school, entirely alone. who people have gravitated to so naturally that after 6 weeks in school she went from lunches by herself to surrounded by twelve other ragtag kids who love her. you know, that one girl who loves deadmou5 and anime and took the time to tell me all about it. that girl.
Hannah, a name meaning favored by God. she's become my friend over the past month. we've bonded over cafeteria food and awkward prying questions, over loved ones in kentucky and wanting a better music scene in town. by God's hand, definitely nothing i did, she looks forward to seeing me at lunches. she came to a dodgeball night for young life because she knew it would make me happy. her heart is so sweet- this girl came to club because she wanted to give me a fighting chance at proving to her that younglife isn't all that bad. within the first five minutes of club her desire to bolt through the door was overwhelming. she found me in the club room and shouted "if i didn't love you i wouldve already left." and there went a punch to my heart. my friend Bex gave an incredible club talk over the prophecies of the Bible coming true. she told the kids how we leaders followed Christ because we believe in Him and His Truth. Hannah, a name meaning grace, muttered "i didn't know this was a religious thing." Bex asked what the Jesus meant to the kids and Hannah, said "nothing."
the Lord of all means Nothing.
the punches kept on coming and my heart broke for my friend.

After club i asked Hannah what she thought. she told me if she could leave before the religious stuff then she would come, but she just felt so rude. even though she was blindsided by a talk of God, she still wanted to make me happy. the lengths she would go to for a friendship is incredibly touching. she continued saying that this whole "religion thing" wasn't for her. i told her no pressure, that religion thing isn't for me either. i drove her home and surprised her by saying "see ya wednesday!"
Hannah, favored by God, does not believe. monday night showed me how nothing i do can change this. my Lord, my Savior, is the only one who can wrap her heart in His hands and say "This is where I belong." all i can give is the love my Christ gave me, unconditional and unwavering. all i can do is try to glorify Him in everything i say and do. i can't be chased away, i can't be talked down. my friend is going to get the most hugs, high fives, smiles, and invitations to hang out that she's ever gotten in her life. my God showed me the potential of that "nothing". from nothing He can create everything. from nothing He can move mountains and perform miracles. from nothing He can grow a glorious faith.
Hannah, it's a name covered in prayer from all over the country. it's a name for those favored by God, covered in grace. it's a friend that's dearly loved and being called by the Savior. it's the name of everything except for nothing.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

faith in the face of Greatness.

what do you see when you envision Christ? i see a Father, a Friend. a compassionate Healer who never fails to forgive and wrap me in His arms. i see only mercy and lovingkindess. my Jesus is all these things, He is the suffering Servant who came to take our burdens.

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:

Who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
rather, he made himself nothing
by taking the very nature
of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to death—
even death on a cross!

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:5-11

My mind always focuses in on the first part. how my God came into our broken world and took everything we threw at Him. somehow i have managed to overlook the second half of this description. the other day in evans library, i was caught off guard when the Lord unveiled His face for a brief moment, and i saw Him. i felt His nearness more real than anything in this world. i was left on my knees, humbled and craving Him to the point of tears. what a glorious moment. what a glorious God. Here is what He showed me:

Yes, Jesus came to the world as a servant, humbled and led to the slaughter like a lamb. but where is He now? my King is enthroned at the right hand of the Father. He is a Savior, a Warrior, a Lord, ready for the day where He comes back and annihilates satan. our Conqueror is the one who kicked death in the teeth and said "Not today!" He holds the power to answer prayers, to ruin our plans, to build up nations and to move mountains. Jesus our King and Lord, is the one that inspired the great faith of Hebrews 11. go-grab your Bible right now, google it, call up a friend to read it to you. let it sink it.

HE is the cause for those displays of astounding confidence in our Lord. how can i not believe? how can i not follow? when i hear Him beckoning, how can i not run and scream "Send ME!"? He will rule this world one day-Satan flees in the face of His light. how can i ever have doubts, how can i let my insecurities hold any weight? MY JESUS IS KING. HE IS BIGGER THAN ANYTHING OF THIS WORLD. how often i forget that! He will literally destroy every tear, frustration, sadness, and doubt at the end of time. He already cast away every sin of mine. why do i not live like it? my Savior is greater than anything on this earth, truer than any lie, and bigger than any fear. that majesty, that might, is what empowers me. my Lord alone is enough to inspire faith great enough for Hebrews 11. there is nothing greater than my God.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

Hebrews 12:1-3. this is the Truth. this is my Conquering King, my Enthroned Lord, and my Jesus. it is my focus, my heart's desire and my life's goal. here is where my faith is put. nothing can hold back my God. nothing can hold me back from chasing Him. let the reign of our Lord invade this earth.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

my commitment.


The Yellow Sheet

I was a freshmen in college going through Young Life leader training. We met in the lobby of Winston dorm on Tuesday nights. One evening we were handed a yellow sheet of paper. Written on that yellow sheet were words. Words that deeply impacted my life. Words that God used to call me to lead Young Life. I still read them often, especially at the beginning of each new school year.

May God use those same words now to speak to you:

My Commitment

by Bill Goans (a pastor and former YL Area Director)

As long as high school kids mill around at ball games
looking for love in all the wrong places,
As long as they desperately seek an identity
based on the opinions of friends and reputation,
As long as kids limp through the stands
broken by family strife,
enslaved by drugs, alcohol, and sex

I want to be found- not in the adult section
where it is respectable and controlled,
but right in the middle
where passions, vulgar and profane,
blurt out obscenity,
Where raucous and reckless facades
hide wounded hearts filled with torment and fear,
Where the price tags have been changed
and darkness confuses-
Right in the middle where God has positioned me
to shine forth His grace, His Hope,
His love and His truth.

As long as there is an enemy who can convince his victims
that tomorrow doesn't matter,
that harm will not find them,
that chains are like jewelry and cool is free,
As long as his lies leave character, soul, and life in ruins-
when thrill goes ill and fun turns fatal,
As long as terminal is only a passage word
to an eternity of one's own choosing.
As long as God has rendered him a defeated foe
using the weakest of us to shine a light
that pierces the darkest places,
that brings rescue to the lost,
As long as the darkness is blasted away
by the light of the world-
that Light that lives within all who
know, follow, and love Him.
As long as there is such darkness...

I'll man my post right in the middle of all that chaos,
holding my position until he calls another play,
and I steal home.
As long as we stand in such an important place,
we must not forget what it means to be salt and light
in this tasteless and dark generation.

In Jesus,

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

the wisdom of a convict.

happiness depends on circumstances. joy depends on our Lord.
i once received a letter from a man in jail. im not sure how he knew exactly what i needed to hear, but his writings changed my life. he was under arrest unjustly and indefinitely. he went from being a man of stature to broken physically and persecuted by many. however, this convict bucked the seemingly natural reaction of anger and bitterness along with a spiteful heart and a loss of hope. he took his sentence as a blessing and decided to write through his sad state. he used his chains to help me do away with mine.
he told me to set my heart on things above, to set my mind on things found in heaven, not on this broken earth. my friend wrote that Christ is now my entire life, to eradicate everything extra in my life that weighs me down or distracts me from being intimate with my Lord. his wording reminded me that i am undoubtedly a new creation. i am not what i once was, i am wiped clean and living for something Beautiful. how refreshing. that takes the weight completely off me- i am new. i am redeemed. i just have to follow the lead of my God. what an adventure i get to be a part of! i should be shouting this with joy at the top of my lungs. I AM NEW IN CHRIST. He took this broken sinner and is working daily in me to sanctify me. I AM JUSTIFIED. i no longer have the death sentence i so clearly deserve. this is my reason to sing. this is my river of joy.
this prisoner who had every reason to be shut off from the world urged me to make the best of any opportunity i was given. to do this, he told me to devote myself to prayer. he reminded me of a friend who is always wrestling in prayer for others. what a vivid portrait. how often are my prayers focused on my own trivial problems? i should be on my knees, a warrior in petitions to my King. it shouldnt be just a daily occurrence, but a continuous stream of passionate dialogue on the behalf of others. i should be prayerfully invested in the lives of my dear friends, in acquaintances, and in complete strangers- all for the Kingdom's sake.
what a letter. what beautiful lessons and great reminders. the wisdom of a convict is shaping my life. the writings of a prisoner are bring tears to my eyes. so thank you, my friend. for taking the time to pen your thoughts that would one day change souls and encourage me. oh that i could have the joy of Paul.
want to take a look at the letter? its written to you too- Colossians 3 & 4.

Friday, August 12, 2011

where i find it all

it is nothing i do. i am too weak to carry my burdens on my own. my pride is too big for me to be a servant. i am not strong enough to have an ever lasting smile. i am too wretched to save myself. but His grace will lighten my step, His humility will break me, His love will bring me joy, His sacrifice has brought me redemption. i can rest in His unrelenting love, that daily teaches and brings renewal. i can cast all my burdens at Him, because my God is big enough to take them on His shoulders and still carry me in His hand.
at camp we sang a gorgeous song called We Give It All. the only part we remember is the chorus. i was in a rut trying to remember the verses to share, but then i realized i am singing for an audience of one. the perfection of the verses doesnt matter, just the heart behind them. so my prayer tonight is a song delivered on my knees.

these earthly plans
and these selfish dreams
my guilty hands
and my thoughts unseen
my fear of failure
that ties me to this land

i give it all to You
i give it all to You
i give it all
i give it all to You

my wicked pride
my broken heart
the enemy's lies
that tear us apart
this world is fading
and all i am is Yours

i give it all to You
i give it all to You
i give it all
I give it all to You

my hope. my faith. a joy carried by Your name.
my peace. my strength. a grace that alone can save.

i find it all in You
i find it all in You
i find my all
i find my all in You.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Christ Is Risen

nobody can stand unmoved by this video. the song alone is powerful. the words this man speaks with such conviction and passion however...that is what the church should look like.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fellowship of the Unashamed

I am a part of the fellowship of the Unashamed. I have the Holy Spirit's

Power. The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has

been made. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I won't look back, let up, slow

down, back away, or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense,

and my future is secure. I am finished and done with low living, sight

walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tame visions,

mundane talking, chintzy giving, and dwarfed goals.

I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or

popularity. I don't have to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised,

regarded, or rewarded. I now live by presence, learn by faith, love by

patience, lift by prayer, and labor by power.

My pace is set, my gait is fast, my goal is Heaven, my road is narrow, my

way is rough, my companions few, my Guide is reliable, my mission is clear.

I cannot be bought, compromised, deterred, lured away, turned back, diluted,

or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the

presence of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the

pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of


I won't give up, back up, let up, or shut up until I've preached up, prayed

up, paid up, stored up, and stayed up for the cause of Christ. I am a

disciple of Jesus Christ. I must go until He returns, give until I drop,

preach until all know, and work until He comes.

And when He comes to get His own, He will have no problem recognizing me. My

colors will be clear for "I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the

power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.." (Romans 1:16)

By Dr. Bob Moorehead

broken into beauty

for You and You alone, awake my soul, awake my soul and sing. my Heavenly Daddy opened my eyes and awakened my soul over the past 15 days at NorthBay. one amazing thing about my God is that He never gives up. even on the most prideful and ignorant of children. even on those who refuse to quiet themselves enough to listen. He still chases after my heart. He breaks me down and shows me His face. when i am weak and needy, He reminds me of His beauty.
first eye opener: God showed me His hatred for my pride. dejavu- haven't we had this lesson before? yeah, time and time again i believe i overcome my pride. (feel free to scoff at that sentence). the Lord, in His lovingkindness never leaves me on the pedestal i place myself on. He uses others to knock me down into the dust. but if anyone can make beautiful things out of dust, it's my God. i am too quick to plan my life around my own dreams and selfish ambitions. i do things for the hope of getting noticed. i pray that others will see the goodness in me and be inspired. what a wretch i am.

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others." Philippians 2:3-4.

sucker punch to the heart. at summer staff i was placed at the snack bar, a job that requires making about 100 milkshakes a day but not being seen by kids. i was not in a position to be made their favorite staffer, i wasn't going to be nominated as the person who impacted their camp experience in any way. i was the often times faceless girl who made baller milkshakes and quippy remarks. it was so hard for me to find a way to show Christ through that. i thought that since my job seemed so insignificant that i was useless.-a big hit to the girl who thinks she has it all together. God slapped me in the face with His love. working at this camp wasn't about me. it had nothing to do with the number of kids i wanted to love me, nothing to do with the fact that i had expectations coming in. being at this camp was about serving. i always place myself as a leader-the one in charge. but my friend Andrew made an amazing comment that really stuck with me. "we place ourselves above these kids as leaders. but our real job is to serve. to put ourselves lower and ask what we can do for them. it's not about us anymore." yeah...kinda blew my mind too. so my pride was broken in a big way those two weeks. i stopped looking at my job as a stepping stone for me getting in the spotlight and started seeing it as a way i could serve others. God blessed me with opportunities to give without others knowing and to work without being thanked. it was difficult at first and then the beauty of it swept me off my feet.
the Lord also ripped down the cement walls around my heart. my pride makes me want to hide my struggles so others will think i have it all together. weakness in myself is something i dont deal well with. He broke me emotionally and physically those two weeks. i was asked to be apart of something called "Real Life." basically i got to sit in front of about 600 middle school campers and tell them all about my life in junior high. about how hypocritical i was. i got to share the precious activities i was a part of: gossiping, people pleasing, and shamefully hiding who i was. for the first time i told people how i have always felt so opposite of my family. not that it's a bad thing, but my pride makes that so hard to admit. i was forced during Real Life to see how different i am than others in my life and how although its not always easy, it's such a beautiful thing. uniqueness is a gift from God. pushing my people pleasing habits aside, i got to embrace the fact that i struggle and have insecurities and dont have it all together. being real is extraordinarily and embarrassingly scary for me, but its also gloriously freeing. because of that, i started taking risks and confiding my whole testimony with the girls on summer staff. i told them of my shameful sins and the fakeness i once held so near. they loved me despite my former wickedness and identified with so much of my story. it's funny how satan will use lies such as "youre the only one to ever think that" and "youre alone in this sin" to keep up quiet about our struggles. however, the second someone steps up and shines light on their insecurities and flaws, satan runs and healing begins. with our common backgrounds in the open, we were able to love more deeply. someone just had to be vulnerable and speak up.
while this whole being real with 600 kids and new friends thing was going on- i also had to get extremely vulnerable with someone who i had just met and was hoping to hide my personal issues from. God was pushing me to lean on others with my health problems and fears. for a couple days i kept on blacking out, never all the way to fall down, but enough to where i was terrified. i dont like admitting fear. (once again, my problem of showing any weakness). luckily, a true friend came to my rescue. he didn't belittle my fears or run away when i took down my guard. he cared for me with more compassion and kindness than people i have known my whole life. it amazed me that i could be embraced with all my faults and failures so quickly by a new friend. having Brandon there truly eased my fears and for once i relied on someone else and trusted that they wouldnt judge me for not being perfect.
third lesson- God's plan will reign. He is in complete control. nothing i do can alter His plan, nothing will stop it from happening. i take confidence in this fact, as i walk into a hard decision. His path is so high above anything i can imagine. so its time for me to let go of my own preconceived notions of how my life will turn out. it's time to cast aside all complacency and doubts. i can take that leap of faith because my God is big enough to catch me. i will chase His will because it is perfect and right. He will never laugh at me for trying to follow Him. even if i fail or misread His will, my intentions are pure and His thoughts are higher. i choose to lay down my everything to sit at the feet of Christ and follow Him.
Capernaum showed me that nobody is beyond the grasp of God's love. i always wonder when i see this special needs ministry how much is actually getting through to them. when i saw my new friend Jamie (who has special needs) worshiping however, i knew without a doubt that he understood the unfailing love of our God. Jamie was on his knees, with tears pouring out his eyes, his hands lifted in complete surrender. that picture moved me more than anything those two weeks. Jamie's life is more complicated and difficult than mine. he sees more scorn and apathy by the rest of the world. yet he praises our Lord in such a genuine way that it cannot be ignored. God's love is so encompassing. are we showing everyone we can His grace and mercy? or are we stopping with the people who are most like us- those who we feel comfortable around? do we only witness to those we understand? i want to find Jesus in the streets, in the lowest of places, in the hardest of homes. i want to radiate Christ's love to all those i meet, not just those who will love me back. seeing how i overlook so many people broke me. God's love was not limited to the apostles, it was spread to the pharasees and the lame. it stretched to the servants and kings, to the prideful and the prostitutes. who am i to limit His grace?
Capernaum opened my eyes to the beauty of brokenness. in our most weakened states we rely on God all the more fully. God is in the business of redeeming the most tragic of situations and turning them into something glorious for His kingdom. so i beg You to take my pride, my walls, and my ridiculous earthly plans. take my heart, Lord, and wreck it for Your Kingdom's sake. use my weaknesses so that You can shine through them. let me be broken for Your beauty.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


there are some days when i just look at my life and see how blessed i am.
to be redeemed.
to have my sister as my best friend.
to have wicked awesome parents. no for real.
to have genuine people who care about me. for grins and giggles lets name a few:
margaret powell
megan stewart
david serrano
claren hudspeth
austin elms
...and thats just a few.
to have the opportunities ive been given:
to be a younglife leader
summer staff
to have the best snocone place in texas right down the road
to have a home in rockport
and for the joy that Christ brings in my life on the daily.

today is a day for celebration.

Monday, June 20, 2011

the Life-Giver

The first time i hear this passage was in a prayer over me. It was a prayer earnestly seeking boldness for the Kingdom. A prayer to encourage me to show others the life that is available in the one true Redeemer. in that prayer, i was shown something that would stay an inspiration: even a half of a year later.

The beauty of the promises for God's people sometimes catch me off guard. God is the ultimate Life-Giver. He brings joy where there was desolation. He brings peace where there was distress. His Word will always accomplish what He designs it to. He will not be denied.

"As the rain and the snow

come down from heaven,

and do not return to it

without watering the earth

and making it bud and flourish,

so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,

so is my word that goes out from my mouth:

It will not return to me empty,

but will accomplish what I desire

and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

You will go out in joy

and be led forth in peace;

the mountains and hills

will burst into song before you,

and all the trees of the field

will clap their hands.

Instead of the thornbush will grow the juniper,

and instead of briers the myrtle will grow.

This will be for the LORD’s renown,

for an everlasting sign,

that will endure forever.”

Isaiah 55:10-13

My Savior satisfies. He works in the lowest of sinners. He justifies. He sanctifies. He uses those most unworthy for His glory. Nothing is beyond His reach. He blesses beyond my wildest imagination. In family and friends. In mentors and opportunities to serve. He brings lessons and inspiration, healing and growth. in Him is true freedom and grace. The abounding love flows without ceasing. Hallelujah. He will not be denied in bringing life.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

the choice

He gives and takes away.
Still my heart will choose to say.
Lord blessed be Your name.

those simple lyrics are so true.
my Heavenly Daddy knows what's best.
He will give. He will take away when it's not right.
it hurts but it's His will.
so what am i going to do?
i'm making a conscious choice to still praise Him.
it takes effort.
but He is good through the small pits and falls.
He's good through the times of blessing and prosperity.
He's good during the storms and trails.
and He's good during the golden days.
Praise to His name alone.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


i hear stories of Him. i know it’s a good thing to believe in. i say the words, i play my part. i live for the world. He tugs on my heart, gets to close. i slap Him with my hypocrisy. He whispers, “I love you.”

and i ignore Him.

i hear stories from those who love Him. i want their confidence. i feel something for Him, but i just love the world too much. it’s pretty and shiny and has no consequences. His was is hard, full of blind faith and uncertainties. He is pulling me towards Him. i slap Him with my willing sin. He whispers even louder, “I love you.”

and i pretend to listen.

i hear how He can transform hearts. i want it. i want to live for not myself. i’m growing tired of the world. of it’s fickleness. but sometimes i can feel myself caught in the middle. waiting for the big jump, but too scared of what i’ll have to give up. He calls me by name. i slap Him with my doubts. He looks me in the eye, “I love you Madeline.”

and how can i not hear Him?

i punch. i scream. i throw everything out into the wind. i cast my anxiety and fears on Him. i lay every sin, every failure, every regret on His shoulders. i cry out, in the pain of guilt and the terror of loosing control. i say every bitter and angry thought i can. i question, i remind Him of every slap in the face i gave Him. i remind Him how dirty and disgusting i am. how low and proud i am. how full of this wicked world i am. i scream it out at the top of my lungs.

He screams even louder, “I know, it doesn't change anything. I love you Madeline.”

and how can i not believe Him?

He takes my heart. He holds me. He walks me through my days, reassuring me of my doubts, erasing my guilt, healing the sting of my regrets. He take my pain and He makes me new. He never leaves me. He takes my questions and He fills my world with His beauty. He takes up all of my heart. He overflows my life with blessings. He renews and restores me. He gives me life and awakens my soul. He never gives up on me. He redeems and sanctifies me. He takes my burdens on His shoulders and moves mountains. He's relentless.

He tells me in every way, “See. I love you Madeline. You’re Mine.”

i fall on my face in wonder of Him. in love with Him. in complete surrender of my life.

and how can i not love Him?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Heart Cries Out

quality. the feelings of my heart. found this in the book, In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day. my heart cries out these words to my Heavenly Daddy, and I believe they are all beautiful to Him.

How Shall I Pray?

How shall I pray?

Are tears prayers, Lord?

Are screams prayers,

or groans

or sighs

or curses?

Can trembling hands be lifted to you,

or clenched fists

or the cold sweat that trickles down my back

or the cramps that know my stomach?

Will you accept my prayers, Lord,

my real prayers,

rooted in the muck and mud and rock of my life,

and not just the pretty, cut-flower, gracefully-arranged

bouquet of words?

Will you accept me, Lord,

as I really am,

messed up mixture of glory and grime?

Lord, Help me!

Help me to trust that you do accept me as I am,

that I may be done with self-condemnation

and self-pity

and accept myself

Help me to accept you as you are, Lord:





and yet to trust

that your madness is wiser

than my timid, self-seeking sanities,

and nothing that you've ever done

has really been possible,

so I may dare to be a little mad, too.

Ted Loder, "How Shall I Pray?" Guerrillas of Grace: Prayers for the Battle (1984)

Monday, January 24, 2011

how lucky are we

How lucky are we? we get to serve an incredible and true God.

His love ALWAYS wins.
He makes radiantly beautiful things out of the dustiest of situations.
He never fails us, even when we fail Him.
His timing is perfect.
He is always there to remind us of His unfailing love.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Come Awake!

pretty please watch this video:

Let no one caught in sin remain
Inside the lie of inward shame
But fix our eyes upon the cross
And run to Him who showed great love
And bled for us
Freely You've bled for us

Christ is risen from the dead
Trampling over death by death
Come awake, come awake
Come and rise up from the grave
Christ is risen from the dead
We are one with Him again
Come awake, come awake
Come and rise up from the grave

Beneath the weight of all our sin
You bowed to none but heaven's will
No scheme of hell, no scoffer's crown
No burden great can hold You down
In strength You reign
Forever let Your church proclaim

O death, where is your sting?
O hell, where is your victory?
O church, come stand in the light
The glory of God has defeated the night

O death, where is your sting?
O hell, where is your victory?
O church, come stand in the light
Our God is not dead
He's alive! He's alive!