I found this today. How "God timing" it was too. He knows what i need, when i need it.
This is in an amazing book full of "love letters" from our King.
"Remember that in a race everyone runs,
but only one person gets the prize.
You also must run in such a way
that you will win."
-1 Corinthians 9:24
You, My princess, are destined to win. I know how tired you often become, just by trying to do and say all the right things. Take that pressure off yourself, because I did not put it there. The world may judge you by what they see and hear, but I look within your heart, My child. I see your desire to please Me, and I see your struggle to please others. If you want to win this endurance race, you must let go of your need for the approval of others and seek My will and My pleasure. Simplify your life, and let go of the burdens that weigh you down. You'll find that My grace will lighten your step, and My favor will even draw others to join you. Yes, at times you will stumble and fall. But don't worry. I'm here to help you get back up again- as often as it takes. Make it your daily passion to run with Me, and I will carry you over the finish line of your faith. Together we will win!
Your King and your Champion.
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