Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas: a season of declaration and hope.

War. Not exactly the first thing that comes to mind a Christmas, but it has everything to do with the season. I had my eyes opened during a church sermon, not expecting it to impact me so much. We often get caught up in the commercialism of this season: the gifts, the clay-mation deer, the carols singing of winter wonderlands and worldly loves. When we do imagine the deeper meaning it looks something like a gorgeous little cherubic Baby Jesus surrounded by glowing Mary and Joseph who look like they've just stepped out of a day spa. Throw in some cute shepherds and some fluffy animals and the whole picture is something from a Precious Moment's catalog.

However, Christ's birth was an act of war, a declaration that one day we would be taken from this earth and out of the grasp of satan. Christmas is God saying to satan, "Here is My Champion. Here is the One who will own you. Here is the One who will crush you and death and anything you throw His way. One day He will be victorious and come back and kick your butt." Bet you thought Christmas was just about a cute manger scene and the happy, uplifting side of Christianity. I know i did. I never did get the big picture until a few weeks ago.

Christmas is the beginning of the end of the spiritual war going on around us daily. satan is trying to cling to us to take us from God. Christmas is where God declares He has a plan to save us. The birth of Jesus was God's sacrifice entering the world: the One that would save us and destroy the enemy. Christ came as a baby to one day suffer for our inequities and our transgressions. For every slap in the face that we throw His way, He took to the cross. God sent His Holy Son fully aware that while Christ was dying and gifting us with eternal life, satan was losing souls to take away from Heaven. So He was born into a world that turns Him away and mocks Him. We do it daily. We choose our own ways instead of His. But take hope in the Christmas season. He was born to forgive our sins and save us from death. He gives eternal life. He will be the Victor over satan. He will one day take us to our Heavenly home and give us the gift of being with him forever. Take that, satan.

Our hope is in something eternal and daily forgiving and forever reigning. satan had no hope once God sent Christ. Every action from then on was set in to motion on that one starry night. Where the Son of God and Son of Man collide to form the perfect sacrifice. That one brave and imperfect couple who was thrown into a dirty and less than desired stable. It was set into motion when the first to worship Christ were the humble and simple shepherds who none thought worthy of any status. That imperfect scene is the perfect declaration of our God. He is proclaiming the hope we have of salvation and the hope we have in an everlasting victory. Praise to our Savior. His unfailing love and mercy daily save us. Christmas reminds me of His glory, of His eternal victory, and of His sacrifice. Thank You, Lord. We can never say it enough. Declare hope this season. Declare that our Heavenly Daddy will be the Champion. Declare that we have a reason to sing, to worship, to live differently and to live radiantly.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

sanctification. the process of love.

justification is the act of being saved. sanctification is the process of being made more like Christ. thank goodness my God has endless patience. im astounded time and time again by His grace. His ability to forgive and move forward, to work in a broken world, in broken people. I fall to my knees for His compassion daily. "The beauty of the cross is that Your grace has found me just as i am."

In YoungLife we were told, "God doesn't call the equipped. He equips the called."
that hit me hard. He sanctifies those He calls. He will make me ready and sends me out. all i have to do is say "Here i am Lord! Send me." i have faith in that. God dances among the ordinary. He works through the seemingly mundane. so i look for Him in the small things, our God is a God of details. He will speak to me through the tiniest of joys. i just need to listen. i have to be willing to change and let go of all my vices, my pride, my comfort. i have to be His.

my prayer tonight is that i will listen to You. that i will keep an open heart to hear Your will for me. i know i dont deserve it in any way, but i pray for Your forgiveness. Your love overwhelms me when i think about how many times ive broken Your heart. i want to be sanctified through You. make me like You so i can go out and reach others for Your kingdom. i want to be like Simeon, expectantly awaiting the day You come. Oh what a day! let me work for Your Kingdom in the process. change me to be like You. mold me, use me, make me Yours alone. God i pray that You will continue to break me down daily. break my heart and my pride. Break my holds to this world. I am justified, and for that i thank you so much. Sanctify me Lord. I want to be used by you. "Ruin my life, plans i have made. Ruin desires for my own selfish gain. Destroy the idols that have taken Your place. until it's You alone i live for." that's my prayer. that i would listen, learn and change.
Thank You for Your unfailing love.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Secrets of Success

life is best when it’s random, awkward, and carried by the grace of Christ.

find joy in the small things.

be quick to smile, quick to praise, and quick to give hugs.

love others more than yourself.

make a dinosaur noise.

brush your teeth often.

take pictures, make memories, tell corny jokes.

set trends.

make sure to eat good food, life’s too short for meals you don’t enjoy.

life life fully.

be original.

dont follow others, follow Jesus.